Emotional Health Matters - The Power of Chocolat
Six happy smiley beavers from 1st New Romney Scout Group presented the New Romney Counselling Service with a cheque for £854, the proceeds of a recent community, chocolate themed, fund raising evening. The Scout Group chose to support the NRCS as it is a locally based charity, which supports local people. The youngsters and their Leaders decided positive emotional health and well-being is key to being happy in modern society. We are all aware of the everyday stress and strain of busy modern lives, so it is important to take time to reflect.
Sometimes the challenges of everyday life can seem over whelming and this is where counselling can help. New Romney Counselling Service provides a safe non-judgemental haven, where children and adults are welcome.
Michelle, from the NRCS, commented 'The money raised will support 43 Counselling sessions, which is a tremendous boost to the fund raising efforts of the service. We are a small charity with big ambitions so we rely on the local community for their support'. Ros, one of the Co-Founders echoed her comments and added it is ever more difficult to access grant funding, the charity increasingly relies on donations to cover the costs of and to meet the demands for the essential service they provide.
Caroline Allen, Chairperson of the Scout Group stated: We had a funtastic evening, awash with chocolate, but all for a good cause. This is a great example of how Scouting strengthens communities and contributes to greater social cohesion. We would like to thank the local community who are amazingly supportive of our fund raising initiatives. It's good to see the Scouts putting something back into their local community AND.... we always welcome new members, children and adults. Please do come and join us.
The last word goes to the youngsters from the group, who agreed Scouting really does have a positive impact on their lifestyle:
'As a Scout, helping out and getting to know people in the community, I have learnt so much and met people from so many different backgrounds, making some really great friends.
'I think every young person should think about getting involved in Scouting, as you get so many new skills and it is really good fun.'
Scouting is super fun, we get to do lots of exciting activities and we also learn more about our local communities and how to help make life just that little bit better for everyone.
For more information:
1st New Romney Scout
Group www.1stnewromneyscoutgroup.org.uk
New Romney Counselling Service www.newromneycounsellingservices.co.uk